Writing Outwardly

Lomi offers a smart composting machine. The sites details what it does, how it works, commonly asked questions, and a photo gallery of people who have purchased a Lomi. This layout gives the reader reasons to get a Lomi while addressing questions they may have.

Not Burying the Lead

This article entry by Soompi is very straight to the point. It tells the reader exactly what to expect in the article. It provides a bold list of shows with an image and summary for each one of them.

Not Saying too much

This article by Soompi gives a breif intro to the video mentioned in the title. They discribe what happens in the video and offer the link for the reader to watch the video for themselves. its length gets out all of the info it needs to without boring the reader.

Making a Strong call to action

StitchFix is a website that provides its users with customized outfits. Their call to action is by Enticing visitors to take their "Style Quiz". This gets users wanting to understand their style and be more inclined to order clothes through StitchFix.